Excellence in Digital Transformation Programs
Implementation of Digital Transition and Transformation Projects and Programs
SYMBIOTIQ provides project management within digital transformation - from new technology over process and application management to organizational transformation and program-, project and change management.
We take pride in offering the best portfolio, program and project managers with the strongest internationally accredited certifications in our core competence areas.
To truly excel at helping our clients, we apply a symbiotic approach to collaboration by supporting, coaching and interacting constructively across all stakeholders. To truly build great solutions and benefitting from these, interests must be aligned and partnerships nurtured.
Professional Consulting in Transformation Projects
... Its Almost Rocket Science
SYMBIOTIQ - Consulting within Digitalization, Cloud Transformation, Datacenter Management, New Technology and Program and Project Execution since 2009. We believe in a Lean and Agile approach to Project Management, utilizing the best Consultants, Best Practice Processes and Superior Management Tools. When you work with SYMBIOTIQ, you should expect a Seamless Collaboration, Excellent Control and full Initiative Transparency.
SYMBIOTIQ is Consulting Global Enterprises in Digital Transition and Transformation Projects
Focusing on Execution, Implementation and Benefits Realization
With a team of highly skilled and experienced experts within digitalization, transformation, project excellence, new technology implementation, enterprise application management and cloud transformation, we support our clients in programs and projects to execute strategic initiatives in a dynamic and volatile enteterprise environment.
Process, Organization and Systems Transformation moving the Enterprise or Department to the Next Level
Redefining or reorganizing means transforming from todays ways of working into tomorrows vision.
Transformation initiatives are mostly company specific and unique in nature, demanding tailor made PMO and execution approach. At SYMBIOTIQ we excel in defining, assembling, preparing and executing transformation programs for our global clients
Contact our Transformation Center of Excellence to learn more about our approach and associated benefits
Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Process Automation Initiatives - POC, Pilot and Roll-Out
Developing and implementing new technology projects with our clients has proven the importance and benefits of combining new technology providers, implementation consultants from SYMBIOTIQ and client project- and business managers to realize the potential of new technology such as AI, RPA and Blockchain.
Contact our NewTech Center of Excellence for further information on how to benefit from collaborating with SYMBIOTIQ
Supporting PMO and Project Organizations to Excel in Execution of Transition and Transformation Programs
With todays discouraging statistics within program and project success and failure, robust and proven approaches to program- and project management are necessary assets to succeed in todays rapidly changing enterprise landscape. Working for our clients recovering, accelerating and maturing programs and projects based on best practice PMO processes, tools and skills secures a high rate of success in our clients strategy execution.
Contact our PPM Center of Excellence for further information on how to benefit from collaborating with SYMBIOTIQ
Professional Application Portfolio Management Optimizing Complex Application Landscapes
A very large part of digital transformation implementation is the conscientious definition and optimization of enterprise application landscapes and -architectures. SYMBIOTIQ helps its clients analyze, document and manage complex application clusters across the full enterprise stack utilizing proven approaches and leading workbench toolboxes.
Contact our Application Lifecycle Center of Excellence to learn how to master enterprise architecture across diverse application landscapes.
Smart Cloud Transformation
DataCenter Evaluation and Selection
Cloud migration and data center selection is on the agenda in enterprises today. Selecting the right mix of approaches whether it is pure Cloud, on-premise or a hybrid Solution, SYMBIOTIQ can help analyze the options, recommend scenarios and execute and implement choices together with your IS departments. SYMBIOTIQ is using proven and well documented approaches, analysis models and workbench toolboxes to estimate and project TCO of any given scenario.
Contact our Cloud and Data Center of Excellence to discuss your cloud strategy and data center selection options.